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Who's Who in Mid Derbyshire Methodist Circuit

Circuit Ministers

Rev Ann Anderson (Superintendent Minister)

Rev Helen Penfold

Rev Kevin Price

Rev Tim Simms

Lay Employees

Rachel Barclay, Family and Outreach Worker

Judith Milner, Circuit Administrator

Judith's responsibilities include: assisting with the preparation of the circuit preaching plan; being the Circuit Meeting Secretary and the Local Preachers' Secretary, including all associated administration; updating the circuit database; data protection; many other administrative tasks.

Roanna Pilsbury, Lay Mission and Outreach Worker

Roanna was appointed Mission and Outreach Worker for the Matlock mission area in September 2021, working particularly with the Matlock Moor and Tansley churches; her work now extends across the circuit. Roanna says, "I have a huge heart for mission and I'm really excited for this opportunity."

Philip Stainer, Circuit Property and Facilities Manager

Philip is responsible for the oversight, monitoring and overseeing of the maintenance of circuit owned properties, working with Managing Trustees, and supporting local Church Property Stewards in the management of their properties. He is looking forward to contributing to the life and mission within the Mid Derbyshire Methodist Circuit.

Gill Stamp, Circuit Financial Administrator

Gill's responsibilities include finance aspects of the circuit, such as processing all invoices for the circuit and staff expenses.

Anne Welch, Local Lay Pastor

Circuit Officers

Circuit Stewards

Key aspects of the Circuit Stewards' responsibilities include inviting appropriate ministers to serve in the circuit, overseeing finance and supporting local churches. Circuit Stewards join with Ministers and Lay Employees to form the Circuit Leadership Team, which reflects on the strategic direction of the circuit and brings recommendations to the Circuit Meeting. Key to all of this is Circuit Stewards' relationship with God and other Christians, so meeting together for worship and friendship help to sustain their service to the circuit. Our Circuit Stewards are:

Helen Anthony
Ruth Beresford (Senior Circuit Steward)
Kath Brydon
Paul Selby
Geraldine Stamp
Gill Stamp (Financial Steward)
Eddie Sweet

Circuit Safeguarding Officers

The Circuit Safeguarding Officers support and advise the Circuit Superintendent and the Circuit Stewards regarding safeguarding matters. Our Circuit Safeguarding Officers are:

Anne Kettlewell
Helen Shirtcliffe

District Safeguarding Officer

The District Safeguarding Officer is Rosie Clements.
You can contact her on 07434284633.

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Registered Charity no. 1139498

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