Mid Derbyshire Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Mid Derbyshire
Methodist  Circuit

Denby Bottles Methodist Church

Danesby Crescent, Denby, Ripley, DE5 8RF


ambergate chapel

Ambergate Methodist Church is at the heart of the community in this picturesque village on the floodplain of the Derwent River. The village has excellent links by road, rail and canal and was once home to a thriving wire-making business.

  • A warm, welcoming church family
  • Lively worship
  • Serving the neighbourhood

Our Sunday worship is at 2.00pm on the first Sunday of the month and at 10.30am on other weeks.
Every month we have a joint service with St Anne's Anglican church. This alternates between the Methodist church and St Anne's.

Messy Church is on the first Saturday afternoon of every month from 3pm to 5pm.
Join us for crafts, activities, songs and a simple meal.
Everyone welcome. Aimed at primary school children, siblings and their grown-ups.
The next four are on: 3rd August, 7th September, 5th October and 2nd November.

Craft, Cuppa and Cake is on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 2pm to 4pm.
The next four are on: 20th July, 17th August, 21st September and 19th October.

Save the dates
Village Carol Service on Saturday 21st December at 6.30pm followed by hot chocolate and mince pies.
Village Crib Service on Christmas Eve at 4pm (joint with St Anne's).
Christmas Day Service at 10.30am

The building is available for hire at reasonable rates.

For more details see our Facebook page.

The church building also hosts a thriving pre-school – Wildlings.

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Registered Charity no. 1139498

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© 2024 – Mid Derbyshire Methodist Circuit
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